This is yet another area where I find that either my iPhone or the 12.9-inch iPad Pro is a better fit than the 11-inch iPad in tablet mode. My thinking is simple: if I’m playing a game designed for ...
18 天 on MSNiPad Pro与Surface Pro11对比:娱乐与办公,你究竟该选哪一款?在这个数字化迅速发展的时代,选择一款适合自己需求的便携式设备,已成为许多人办公与学习的重要决策。尤其是在当前这个信息爆炸的年代,我们不仅要关注设备的性能、操作系统和硬件配置,还要思考它能否在日常工作和娱乐中找到一个完美的平衡点。苹果的iPad ...
25 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNiPad Pro 11英寸M4芯片性能评测在科技产品同质化严重的今天,打开任何一款平板电脑,似乎都能看到相似的界面与功能。但当我拿起这台iPad Pro 11英寸 M4芯片版时,一种久违的惊艳感油然而生。这不仅是一台平板电脑,更是科技与艺术完美融合的结晶。 极简的银色机身下,隐藏着令人惊叹的工业设计。5.3毫米的超薄机身,比一支铅笔还要纤细,却蕴含着惊人的性能。M4芯片的加入,让这台设备拥有了媲美专业工作站的计算能力。在Lightroom ...
While touted as a pro device, the 11-inch iPad Pro is also a competent gaming machine. Games are beginning to update to utilize the 120Hz refresh rate for even smoother gameplay, and the M-series ...
Those who have been reading MacStories for a while know that I have a peculiar obsession for portable setups free of the constraints typically involved with working at a desk or playing games in front ...