近期,知名苹果分析师Mark Gurman透露,苹果公司当前并无重启小于6英寸小屏手机的计划,这一消息无疑给众多小屏爱好者浇了一盆冷水。 曾经备受期待的iPhone ...
That’s not to mention the fact that the phone performs better than ever thanks to the new A16 Bionic chip. The iPhone 14, perhaps, isn’t quite as impressive of an update. The phone isn’t bad ...
你有没有那种感觉,刚攒够钱准备买新手机,结果发现上一代机型直接跳水价,比你预算还低一截,心动得想立刻剁手? 现在就是这样,iPhone 14清仓价杀到3299元,国补后简直像白捡,而旁边刚发布的iPhone 16e还带着新机的傲娇光环。 这两兄弟,一个是过气老将,一个是初出茅庐的新兵,到底谁更值得年轻人入手? 别急,咱们今天就来扒一扒,带点调侃,聊点干货,顺便帮你理清思路。 先说iPhone 14 ...
The 256GB iPhone 14 Pro has seen a big price drop from £999 to £849. It's not the newest device, but it's still a good deal ...
If you're wondering how the iPhone 17 specs stack up across the full lineup, here's a complete, no-nonsense breakdown.
Apple has confirmed that changes are afoot which will significantly improve messaging between Apple and Android handsets.