Manus, developed by the Chinese startup Monica, is the world’s first fully autonomous AI agent. It launched on March 6, 2025. It can independently execute ...
Manus gained attention in the tech world when it released what it claimed to be the world’s first general AI agent. It stated that it could handle complex tasks with much less prompting compared to ...
Jack Huynh的回答很有思辨性,同时也传递出了AMD在开拓全新领域时秉持的平等、开放态度。身处“等式”左右两端,你发现问题,我解决问题,平等互助。难怪AMD会在如此短时间内在AI PC领域取得如此耀眼的成绩。
2025年3月5日,一款名为Manus的AI Agent产品横空出世,其内测邀请码在48小时内被炒至10万元天价,带动150余只AI概念股涨停,更催生了加密货币市场的同名代币投机浪潮。这场由华人团队引发的技术风暴,不仅让AI Agent从实验室概念走向大众视野,更标志着该领域正式进入"去中心化竞争"时代——曾经的科技巨头垄断格局,正在被中小型创业团队的创新实践打破。
Wang Xing, CEO of China's largest food delivery firm Meituan , said on Friday in a post-earnings call that the company is ...
Chinese artificial intelligence startup Manus on Tuesday registered its China-facing AI assistant and was featured for the ...
Manus is the latest AI tool to generate excitement. However, there is currently a waitlist for accessing the platform. Invite ...
Manus secures regulatory approval for its AI assistant in China, gains state media coverage, and partners with Alibaba’s Qwen ...
Manus与DeepSeek的核心差异 ...
在刘龙庚看来,正是因为我国基座大模型能力的提升,才让这些人工智能应用领域不断拓宽,新产品不断涌现。此外,DeepSeek和Manus的先后出现,说明眼下我国的AI企业可以根据自身的能力矩阵找到不同的创新赛道,基础研发能力强的AI企业可以侧重于底层算法 ...
A new blog post from a notable voice shows us what’s going on with brand new task-oriented models that can write code.