这是一项具有里程碑意义的法律裁决,但星巴克依旧坚持“我们没错”的立场!站长之家(ChinaZ.com) 3月19日 消息: 最近,星巴克被责令向迈克尔・加西亚(Michael Garcia)支付 5000 万美元的损害赔偿金 —— 加西亚是一名外卖员 ...
A California jury has ordered Starbucks to pay $50 million to a Postmates driver, Michael Garcia, who suffered third-degree ...
In a landmark legal decision, Starbucks has been ordered to pay $50 million in damages to Michael Garcia, a delivery driver who suffered severe burns from a hot tea spill at a Los Angeles ...
A man was awarded a staggering $50million after a scalding incident in a café where a hot drink was accidentally spilled on ...
A jury found Starbucks responsible for the incident, which caused a Postmates driver third-degree burns to his genital area.
Michael Garcia has won $50 million in a lawsuit against Starbucks after he suffered severe burns when a drink spilled on him ...
Starbucks has been ordered to pay $50 million in damages to a California man who suffered severe burns from hot tea. The ...
Starbucks customer Michael Garcia claimed an employee did not wedge the scalding-hot tea firmly enough into a takeaway tray, ...
The incident took place in 2020, leaving the driver with severe burns after a hot beverage spilled on him at a Starbucks ...
The victim filed a lawsuit against the coffee chain after tea spilled in his lap at a drive-thru, resulting in permanent ...
The lawsuit alleged a barista was negligent in securing the drink in a carrier, resulting in severe burns to the victim's ...