黎光龙大使强调,越南驻古巴大使馆将积极协助古巴内贸部,提供相关信息,并促进古越企业在生产与贸易领域的对接与合作。 双方一致认为,两国在多个领域的合作潜力巨大,并重申共同落实两国高层协议的决心,进一步巩固越南-古巴传统友谊与全面合作。
A group has filed a brief with the Oklahoma Supreme Court challenging a bid solicitation from the Oklahoma State Department ...
Oklahoma’s far-right State Superintendent Ryan Walters is once again facing legal pushback as parents, teachers, and faith ...
On Tuesday, the Oklahoma Senate Education Committee approved Senate Bill 758 advancing the elimination of virtual school days with the exception of emergency.
A new bill in the State Senate could allow school districts more leniency with rules from the State Capitol in exchange for ...
Plaintiffs in the Rev. Lori Walke v. Ryan Walters lawsuit are encouraging the Oklahoma Supreme Court to block Walter's request for Bible's and Bible-infused ins ...
On Monday, the Oklahoma State Department of Education announced the adoption of the nation's first 3-Dimensional Aeronautic ...
Oklahoma’s top school board has advanced new academic standards that would require public schools to teach about the Bible ...
Coming to the end of its Moment of Truth campaign, Argentine private healthcare company OSDE follows the inspiring journey of Mauro Depergola.
New board members are holding Walters accountable for his theatrics, putting students above politics. What a new day it ...
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — The Oklahoma State Board of Education held its first board meeting with the three new board members ...