西蒙·费舍·贝克尔(Simon Fisher-Becker),63岁,近日因病离世,留给我们的不仅是哈利·波特系列中的幽灵角色“胖修士”的形象,更是无数影迷心中温暖而逗趣的回忆。作为赫奇帕奇学院的幽灵,贝克尔以独特的幽默感和富有感染力的演技,赋予了这个角色生命。尽管大多数观众或许只是轻松一笑,但在“胖修士”身上我们可以看到更深的象征,并在这一角色中找寻到共鸣。
A versatile character actor whose career spanned film, theater and television, Mr. Fisher-Becker was known for small, ...
(伦敦11日讯)英国男星赛门费雪贝克(Simon Fisher-Becker)9日惊传离世,享寿63岁,经纪公司已证实死讯。他曾在“哈利波特”系列电影中演出,片中饰演赫夫帕夫学院的幽灵“胖修士”而广为人知。 门费雪贝克曾饰演赫夫帕夫学院的幽灵“胖修士 ...
Becker, a British actor known for his roles in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Doctor Who," has died. He was 63.
曾于《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》中饰演赫夫帕夫学院幽灵“肥修士”(Fat Friar)一角的英国男演员Simon Fisher-Becker,昨日惊传离世,享年63岁。
Becker, best known for his roles in “Harry Potter” and “Doctor Who,” has died at age 63. Fisher-Becker’s death was confirmed ...
Doctor Who' and 'Harry Potter' actor Simon Fisher-Becker has died at age 63. He was 'always kind, gracious and interested in ...
Simon Fisher-Becker, a British character actor who had roles in notable projects like “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” ...
(伦敦22日讯)英国男演员赛门费雪贝克(Simon Fisher-Becker)曾在《哈利波特》系列电中饰演赫夫帕夫(Hufflepuff)学院的幽灵“胖修士”( Fat ...
英国男演员赛门费雪贝克2001年演出《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》,饰演赫夫帕夫的善良幽灵「胖修士」,自此打开知名度,经纪人悲痛表示:「今天我不仅失去了一位伙伴,也失去了一位15年的亲密朋友。」家属也发文证实他已于9日下午离世:「我会将他的社群帐号保留一 ...
Becker, who reached a career zenith in the original "Harry Potter" movie and "Doctor Who," died on Sunday, March 9. He was 63 ...
Simon Fisher-Becker, an actor who portrayed one of the Hogwarts ghosts in the first Harry Potter movie, has died. He was 63.