Objective Boys born with posterior urethral valves (PUV) often experience bladder development issues due to urethral ...
Translating the Nurturing Care Framework and unprecedented global policy support for early child development (ECD) into action requires evidence-informed guidance about how to implement ECD programmes ...
Correspondence to Dr Vanessa Laveglia, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya, Barcelona 08190, Spain; vanessalaveglia{at}gmail.com If ...
Aims Each year around 37 children in the US alone are killed by heatstroke through being left unattended in vehicles. In the past, caregivers of these children have been charged with neglect or ...
Objective To determine the safety of ciprofloxacin in paediatric patients in relation to arthropathy, any other adverse events (AEs) and drug interactions. Methods A systematic search of MEDLINE, ...
Fibre is an essential nutrient in the human diet that is crucial for human health. It provides a range of functional benefits, including stool bulking, and physiological benefits through fermentation ...
Objective To identify children and young people’s preferences for effective healthcare communication. Design A systematic review of qualitative studies was conducted to identify evidence from children ...
Department of Paediatric Dermatology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London WC1 3JH, UK If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the ...
The rise in non-communicable disease as a principal cause of premature mortality and a continuing failure to address health inequalities requires a critical examination of prevailing paradigms in ...