This grant funding requires flow achievement through: ...
We also provide educational resources to property owners who want to drill a new well, maintain a well, or close down (decommission) an unused well. Well drillers and property owners have the ...
Our mission is to keep Washington waters clean. Use this site to find out if a lake, stream, or marine beach near you is healthy or polluted. Learn about water cleanup plans and how we’re addressing ...
Our agency is dedicated to preserving and protecting the environment in Washington. To learn how we preserve and protect Washington's land, air, and water for today and for future generations, read ...
Public comments are accepted over a 30-, 45-, or 60-day period. During that time, you can share your input with us about specific changes in the permits we regulate. We review all comments and then ...
Many products in our homes contain toxic chemicals (with or without our knowledge). As these products are used, they can break down and release those chemicals into our home where they often build up ...
Small sources regulated by Ecology must send their emissions data to us. We collect emissions data through the Source Management System (SMS) to find out how much pollution is in the air and to track ...
We improve and protect water quality, manage and conserve water resources, and effectively manage coastal and inland shorelines to assure our state has sufficient supplies of clean water for ...
Supporting supply chain transparency. Identifying toxic chemicals for replacement. Switching to less toxic chemicals. Certifying their products. Learn how manufacturers can assess their current ...
About 700 residential properties were potentially affected by smelter contamination in the upland area. We have now completed sampling on all the properties that agreed to be sampled (more than 550).
Recycling helps reduce pollution, save energy, conserve natural resources, and support local jobs and businesses. Follow these tips to make sure your recycling efforts don't go to waste. Even items ...
There are sites on our Contaminated Sites List that we know have Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. Although PFAS chemicals are not manufactured in Washington, they can still be ...