Correspondence to Dr Rachel Sunley, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol BS2 8BJ, UK; Rachel.sunley{at} If you wish to reuse any or all of ...
Verbal translation Timely access to qualified translators in an emergency setting. Opportunity for bilingual staff members to train in research consent. Cautious consideration of the use of family ...
++, strongly positive levels; ±, levels may be negative or moderately positive; −, negative levels. AFP, α-fetoprotein; GCT, germ cell tumour; HCG, human ...
1 Liaise with Paediatric Surgical Co-ordinator to consider if any current or planned activities should be cancelled or postponed ...
POCUS, point of care ultrasound.
Time taken to conduct test by healthcare professional 5–10 min £0.73 per minute £3.65–£7.30 ...
Cost of prednisolone for a 3 day course £20.88 £0.42 (28 tablets) ...
Frequency of episodes each night 1–2 1–20 or more ...
CNS, central nervous system; GHD, growth hormone deficiency; GHRH, growth hormone-releasing hormone.
Digital health education develops an understanding of the pragmatic use of digital technologies, including health apps, artificial intelligence and wearables, in the National Health Service (NHS).
Serum IgM 0.6 g/L 0.24–2.1 ...
FeNO, fractional exhaled nitric oxide.