This blog will help user learn how to avoid the duplicate entries in the database. Storing duplicate values in the table must be avoided while inserting data in the database table. As these duplicate ...
Before some days I brought Xiaomi Mi 6 Plus from BuyMobile site for its tremendous features. It gives me a good experience. But it is not true that I am not facing any problem. From some days I am ...
This blog will help you to send Push Notifications to iPhone devices from server side where server side code is written in Java. public Boolean sendPushNotificationForiPhone(String message, List ...
If you want set face detection in iOS (iPhone) follow the steps given below. First of all we need to add opencv framework to our project. There are severel ways to do that. But the most simple is as ...
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Register into FindNerd's Android Developer Forum to post or view latest Android Questions and Answers asked from the mobile developers with their different skills level. This forum is developed for ...
Earn reputation and improve your web wide tech rank. Type in your tech analysis, product insights and tech solutions. Improve your nerd rank with views and positive vote. More likes get you on our ...
In this blog I am going to explain how to insert data from html form into mysql. We have three steps for completing this process. Create HTML Form Create MYSQL Database. Mysql Database Connection and ...
I usually write code as I go along, but I noticed this takes more time in the long run especially when I lose track of what codes does what where, but I wanted to start planning my code by making UML ...
In android, Sometimes, we have to gray out image to show it disable or to show it differently. So I share my code to gray out any ImageView. We just do it by using pixels. private ImageView ...
If your DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE code is not printing any of your logs or if you are just viewing "anonymous block completed". Following will fix the issue.
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