Davies, Managing Director of Inventa Nigeria, for an insightful webinar on safeguarding your brand through trademark ...
Utility models are one option to protect your inventions and ensure the exclusive rights to products or processes. By protecting the technical characteristics of these products of processes, utility ...
Iberian Summit & Awards, hosted by Leaders League, took place on March 11 at the Hyatt Regency Hesperia in Madrid. The event ...
Occasionally, the principle of morality, as outlined in Article 7(1)(f) of the European Union Trademark Regulation (EUTMR), ...
Os segredos comerciais dizem respeito a qualquer informação que forneça uma vantagem competitiva a uma empresa, podendo envolver sistemas de vendas, métodos de distribuição, perfis de consumidores, ...
Managing Partner at Inventa and one of the main responsible for the growth and recognition of the company as a leading Intellectual Property (IP) law firm, nationally and internationally. Tiago ...
A domain identifies a website or any other Internet service, as well as the respective company’s email addresses. Therefore, if the domain prompts people to visit your website, then it is ...
Note: Inventa does not operate directly in this jurisdiction. Instead, we rely on a long standing network of colleagues and agents to handle incoming service. Paths to protection Ways to protect your ...
While most of the domain industry sees domains from a commodity perspective, Inventa looks at them as assets for your brand. We offer domain services which include not only hosting, but also the ...
Coordenador Jurídico e Agente Oficial de Propriedade Industrial na Inventa. Foca-se essencialmente em procedimentos relacionados com a proteção de ativos de Propriedade Intelectual (PI), nomeadamente ...
Online brand protection is a service provided by Inventa that seeks to protect the reputation and credibility of your business. It involves broad continuous monitoring of online platforms and websites ...
66, Croisement des Avenues Kitona et Colonel Ebeya, Kinshasa, Gombe ...