A new study reveals that placing your smartphone out of reach doesn’t significantly reduce distraction or boost productivity.
New research uncovers how dopamine in the ventral shell of the nucleus accumbens (vsNAc) governs the sexual behavior sequence ...
For the first time, researchers have directly observed dopamine release in the human brain during moments of cognitive ...
A large study of over 14,000 Norwegian veterans reveals that taking a life in combat doesn't automatically damage a soldier’s ...
A new study reveals that young mothers who feel emotionally connected to their unborn babies are more likely to form healthy, ...
A new study reveals how the brain reprocesses and refines memories during sleep, particularly those related to spatial ...
A new study finds that adults with ADHD show brain changes similar to those seen in early-stage dementia, including higher ...
New research finds that nearly any form of exercise can enhance brain function and memory across the lifespan.
Rejuvenating the brain's lymphatic vessels can enhance memory in aging mice by improving the removal of waste products from ...
New research reveals that Type 2 diabetes may impair the brain’s reward and memory processing in ways that mirror early Alzheimer’s disease.
New research uncovers how the brain processes learning by identifying the exact moment an animal learns a new skill.
A new study reveals that memory-related brain activity continues to shift even after learning, challenging traditional views ...