We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
O cadastro no portal é gratuito, e, em poucos passos, os fornecedores conseguirão ver suas notas, simular e contratar a antecipação, sem burocracia e com total segurança e autonomia.
Na Vale, valorizamos cada opinião, sugestão, elogio ou crítica, pois sabemos que esses diálogos são fundamentais para o nosso crescimento em parceria com as comunidades onde atuamos. Por isso, ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together. We extract ore and transport it through a ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
Over half a century of operations in Indonesia, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk grew to become one of the leading mineral mining companies, with a longterm commitment to positively contributing to Indonesia’s ...
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together.
We are a global company, that practices sustainable mining in the countries where we are present. We exist to improve life and transform the future. Together. We extract ore and transport it through a ...
O Me Leva pra Casa é o programa de adoção responsável criado pela Vale que tem como objetivo encontrar novas famílias para os animais que foram impactados, direta ou indiretamente, pelo rompimento da ...
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