President Trump’s closing, dismissive, argument to President Zelenskyy is that “ you don’t have the cards ” to play the tough ...
Executive Ministers  signed off on the finalised Programme for Government. The document sets out the Executive’s immediate ...
The idea for Open Sunday is to let you discuss what you like. Just two rules. Keep it civil and no man/woman playing. Comments will close at 12 pm on Monday. Brian O'Neill I help to manage Slugger by ...
Executive agrees Programme for Government On Thursday (27 February), Executive Ministers signed off on the finalised Programme for Government. The document sets out the Executive’s immediate ...
Frank Schnittger is the author of Sovereignty 2040, a future history of how Irish re-unification might work out. He has worked in business in Dublin and London and, on a voluntary basis, for charities ...
I help to manage Slugger by taking care of the site as well as running our live events. My background is in business, marketing and IT. My politics tend towards middle-of-the-road pragmatism, I am not ...
In addition to our normal open Sunday, we have a politics-free post to give you all a break. So discuss what you like here, ...
I was in West Belfast last Wednesday.. The Falls Road. The main arterial road heading west out of the city centre. There are ...
All change in Irish Rugby There’s been a lot of rugby news in the media in the past week following on from the somewhat ...
At a recent meeting – one of those now commonplace “hybrid” affairs where half the participants were in the room and the other half dialled in from home – I was reminded of something that many people ...
I was at a business event. Tesla had a stall there, and being a geek, I wandered over to look at the cars. The salesguy ...
I’m just back from another visit to the lads at Modern Tyres—another puncture! This is my third in less than six months, ...