Donald Trump says “tariff” is the most beautiful word in the dictionary. He is using tariffs to make American imperialism ...
Christine Buchholz from the group Initiative Sozialismus von Unte spoke about the new movement to confront fascists in ...
Vile racists get to spout their bigotry on a new Channel 4 reality show, Go Back To Where You Came From, as racists go to ...
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Recognising the Stranger is a compelling book that examines the Palestinian struggle through the lens of literary and cultural analysis.
Around 250 trans+ rights activists protested in Nottingham on Saturday against a “Let women speak”event. It was called by ...
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns. These events are open to everyone. Use the map below to find your nearest one.
Keir Starmer breathed a sigh of relief when Donald Trump praised him as “very nice” this week. “We’ve had a couple of meetings, we’ve had numerous phone calls, we’re getting along very ...
PM Europe/London Ceasefire in Gaza: what next for Palestine? St John Vianney Church Hall-N15 3QL.