Inflation Reduction Act, Congress boosted the Internal Revenue Service’s funding by nearly $80 billion over a ten-year span ...
Tax expenditures make up a substantial part of the federal budget. Some of them are larger than the entire budgets of the programs or departments that spend money for the same or related purposes. For ...
The standard deduction reduces a taxpayer’s taxable income. It ensures that only households with income above certain thresholds will owe any income tax. Taxpayers can claim a standard deduction when ...
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act nearly doubled the standard deduction and eliminated or restricted many itemized deductions in 2018 through 2025. It also eliminated the “Pease” limitation on itemized ...
About $6.7 billion in 2023, or 0.3 percent of all individual income tax revenue. That is down significantly from $38.3 billion—2.5 percent of income tax revenue—in 2017, primarily because of the 2017 ...
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes to individual income taxes and the estate tax. Almost all these provisions expire after 2025. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made substantial ...
A "soda tax" is generally imposed as a per ounce excise tax on drinks sweetened with sugar. No state currently levies taxes on soda alone, but a few localities do. While often called soda taxes, these ...
The federal government distributes grants to states and localities for many purposes. Some grants are delivered directly to these governments, but others are “pass-through” grants that first go to ...
The child tax credit provides a credit of up to $2,000 per child under age 17. If the credit exceeds taxes owed, families may receive up to $1,600 per child as a refund. Other dependents—including ...
At current tax rates, the direct revenue loss from cutting tax rates almost always exceeds the indirect gain from increased activity or reduced tax avoidance. Cutting tax rates can, however, partly ...
In 2022’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Congress provided the IRS with additional funding of nearly $80 billion through 2031. Nine months later, however, Congress and the White House agreed to reduce ...
Federal, state, and local government receipts totaled $6.8 trillion in 2021. Federal receipts were 64 percent of the total, while state and local receipts (excluding intergovernmental transfers) were ...