The third Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Kyrgyzstan builds on the substantial experience accumulated by the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and its member States in using the EPR tool ...
Across the UNECE region, and across most of the world, populations are ageing, bringing challenges and opportunities which require evidence-based policy responses. Ageing affects virtually all domains ...
The United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) is a universal system for classifying and reporting minerals, energy, and other resources. It provides a standardized approach to ensure consistency, ...
Trade Facilitation and E-business - UN/CEFACT COVID-19 Response About us ...
Target 1: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources. Principle 4: In order to achieve sustainable ...
The upcoming Regional Forum is taking place at a time of multiple crises. In recognition of the strong affirmation of the 2030 Agenda at the SDG Summit, Governments and Stakeholders across the UNECE ...
The objective of this Buy-Ship-Pay Reference Data Model (BSP-RDM) BRS is to describe the requirements for a generic Reference Data Model (RDM), generalizing the concepts of the Multi-Modal Transport ...
The main objective of the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) area is to increase the expertise of governments to identify, negotiate, manage and implement successful PPPs projects. This is done ...
Codified information is an integral part of data exchange in international business whether this is on paper documents or electronic data exchange. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ...
The Working Party on Noise and Tyres (Groupe Rapporteur Bruit et Pneumatiques - GRBP) is a subsidiary body of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) that prepares regulatory ...
UNECE supports countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) thanks to its role as a platform for governments to cooperate and engage with all ...