The Mobile Suit Gundam anime series first aired in April 1979, and to mark its 45th anniversary, a variety of collaborations launched last year. In December, it was announced that Gundam would team up ...
Building on the original’s popularity, the Switch 2 introduces significant upgrades while retaining its signature hybrid console appeal. The new model features a larger display than the first ...
Founded in 1968, Kvadrat is a leader in textile innovation, creating high-quality contemporary textiles for public spaces and private homes. Their fabrics are an intrinsic element in some of the world ...
LEGO Ideas has long been an excellent platform for individual builders to showcase their creations, with the potential for popular proposals to be adopted by LEGO and released as official model sets.
This past weekend, one of Japan’s largest automotive events took centre stage — the Tokyo Auto Salon. Renowned as a premier platform for automakers and aftermarket parts manufacturers to showcase ...