As the hub of campus life, Smith Union houses the Bowdoin Store, café, Jack Magee’s Pub, mail center, game room, C-Store, Delta Sigma/Delta Upsilon Band Practice Rooms, Lamarche Gallery, and the Tech ...
People tend to want the creative content they consume—be it music, visual art, or literature—to be the work of a human rather ...
Ninety-five percent of deforestation in the Amazon has occurred within 3.4 miles of a road, according to a landmark 2014 ...
The cost of attendance is made up of both direct and indirect costs. Bowdoin meets every student's demonstrated need with scholarships and campus employment. We offer two different calculators to help ...
Construction of the new boathouse on the New Meadows River is nearing completion as final finishes and fixtures come together ...
Confined to their respective homes at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kate Campbell Strauss and Emily Mikesell embarked ...
Food at Bowdoin is a big deal. Our mission is to provide nourishment and community to our students, staff, and faculty through an uncompromising passion for great food.
Bowdoin offers 43 majors and 45 minors within 24 departments, 9 programs and 4 special areas, as well as a student-designed major option. Students may opt for a single, double, or coordinate major ...
Among the highlights: The biotech pharma group visited a couple of major pharmaceutical companies, the Sneaky Good Trek involved exploring a career in human resources at a well-known brewery, and ...
Students are billed for each academic year in two installments. Fall semester bills are sent in July; Spring semester bills are sent in December.
Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work, without attribution and without quotation marks. The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is unethical ...
Originally supporting a single faculty member in a single department, the Bowdoin HPC environment now supports faculty and students across a variety of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, ...