Early detection and diagnosis (ED&D) research seeks to detect and diagnose consequential precancerous changes and cancer at the earliest possible point at which an intervention might be made, reducing ...
The Career Development Fellowship supports new group leaders who do not have a salaried independent position to establish their own independent research group. Applications are considered from any ...
Supports researchers at all stages to develop early, novel and outside-the-box ideas and collaborations to build and make progress in the ED&D field. With this award, we're challenging you to consider ...
Join Ellen in helping to bring the voice of people affected by children’s and young people’s cancers to Cancer Research UK. Learn more about the Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People Insights ...
Funds long-term, integrated and renewable programmes of exceptional science to transform how and when early cancers and pre-cancerous states are diagnosed Early detection and diagnosis (ED&D) research ...
Typically up to £1m (including your salary, research/technical assistance, running expenses and equipment) The Clinician Scientist Fellowship supports excellent individuals to develop a clinical ...
Stereotactic body radiotherapy is a type of external targeted radiotherapy. The machine aims radiation beams from different positions around the body. This means the tumour gets a high dose of ...
Hormones are natural substances made by the glands of our hormone system. They are carried around our body in our bloodstream. They act as messengers to carry signals between one part of the body and ...
Palliative care is sometimes called supportive care. It offers relief, support and comfort to people, both in and out of the hospital setting. Having palliative care doesn’t mean you will die soon. It ...
There are over 100 different types of brain tumours. Tumours can start in any part of the brain or spinal cord. They are usually named after the type of cell they develop from. Read about the ...