At DLR, the Institute of Aerospace Medicine forms the interface between high technology and life sciences such as biology, medicine and psychology. Whether in science or administration, we offer ...
The Institute of Combustion Technology researches and optimises regeneratively produced fuels and innovative combustion chambers for the energy system of the future. The aim is to minimise pollutant ...
Selbst mal einen Tag lang Wissenschaftlerin oder Wissenschaftler spielen? Kein Problem! Die DLR_School_Labs laden Schülerinnen und Schüler in die faszinierende Welt der Forschung ein. Wie Sie sich mit ...
We are making highly efficient engines even more powerful and researching future propulsion solutions for climate-neutral aviation and power plant turbines for an environmentally friendly energy ...
Das Institut bietet sowohl für Forschende als auch für Nicht-Forschende attraktive Stellenangebote an, die eine spannende und herausfordernde Tätigkeit in einem interdisziplinären und internationalen ...
The Institute for the Protection of Maritime Infrastructures was founded in 2017 as one of seven new DLR institutes, and is led by its founding director: Dennis Göge. Maritime infrastructures are ...
In diesem Jahr beschert uns der Frühlingsmonat März gleich zwei Finsternisse: am 14. März eine Mondfinsternis, deren totale ...
Was geschieht mit dem menschlichen Körper auf einem Flug zum Mars? Wie reagiert der Körper eines Patienten, der längere Zeit das Bett hüten muss? Wie wirkt sich die Beleuchtung auf unsere Stimmung aus ...
We are researching technologies that make the transport system more climate-friendly, safer and more liveable. To this end, we are driving forward the digitalisation and automation of road traffic, ...
View through all layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, including aurora borealis as seen from the research aircraft HALO during a flight in the Arctic. Whether in science, technology or as part of an ...
HALO is based on a Gulfstream G 550 ultra long range business jet. The combination of range, cruising altitude, payload and comprehensive instrumentation make the aircraft a globally unique research ...
With its know-how and overall system expertise in passive and active microwaves, the Microwaves and Radar Institute develops innovative sensors, algorithms and applications for ground-based, airborne ...