Some features of will not appear or function properly if your browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not support it. EGU webinars are hosted quarterly and give EGU members an ...
EGU wants to say a big “Thank you!” to all our 1174 journal editors, 6188 referees and 48 EGUsphere moderators who volunteered during 2024! The commitment and dedication of our volunteer referees, ...
The Education Committee co-ordinates the EGU activities related to secondary and tertiary education. It currently consists of one chair and 14 members.
Some features of will not appear or function properly if your browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not support it. The Christiaan Huygens Medal was established by the ...
EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide.
The 2011 David Bates Medal is awarded to Dmitriy V. Titov for his exceptional contribution to the field of atmospheric sciences of the terrestrial planets and major role in the definition and ...
Some features of will not appear or function properly if your browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not support it. This medal was established by the Climate: Past, Present & ...
Some features of will not appear or function properly if your browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not support it. This medal was established by the Earth Magnetism & Rock ...
Some features of will not appear or function properly if your browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not support it. Every year the EGU awards & medals programme recognises ...
The Division on Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL) is one of the larger divisions of the European Geosciences Union. It pools from many disciplines and consequently has many co-organised sessions ...
Some features of will not appear or function properly if your browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not support it. This medal was established by the Earth and Space Science ...
The 2014 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Nicolas Eckert for innovative findings on the impact of climate change on avalanche risk. Nicolas Eckert initially investigated how ...