There is considerable overlap between children with medical complexity (CMC) and autism, with significantly higher expe ...
The majority of U.S. adults use a device on a regular basis to monitor their heart health, but only one in four uses th ...
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has taken down multiple health-related websites and datasets, ...
From 2020 to 2021, there was a 34 percent increase in firearm-related hospitalizations, according to a research letter ...
A person’s lifetime risk of cancer might be partly established before they are even born, a new mouse study says.Resear ...
A common drug used to prevent migraines might have an additional benefit -- protecting women against stroke.Women takin ...
Landing in the hospital with COVID or the flu can put your heart health at dire risk, a new study suggests.Adults hospi ...
Young adults keep dying at higher-than-expected rates, falling prey to drug overdose and poor health, a new study says.
Variability in total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is associated with dementia and c ...
There has been a large decrease in antidepressant use during pregnancy and no corresponding increase in psychotherapy c ...
F.A.S.T. -- can help bystanders recognize the first signs of stroke and call 911 right away, a new study says. Both F.A.S.T ...
There is no evidence to support physical exertion without rhabdomyolysis or heat injury causing sudden death in individ ...