In 2019, around 270 residents from a remote village in Basilan province were forced to flee their homes due to armed clashes ...
过去一周,加沙敌对行动的升级造成了严重的人道影响,导致数百名平民丧生,其中一些死者仍被埋在废墟中,还有民众被留在冲突之地而得不到救援。新的撤离令和激烈的敌对行动正在导致民众在逃离时不清楚哪里是安全的地区,且许多民众也没有其他地方可去。许多民众被迫抛下 ...
SCORE aims to build the resilience of communities in Myanmar, integrating lessons learned from ICRC’s partnership with the ...
We invite organizations, institutions and philanthropists to join us in our mission to alleviate the suffering of those ...
Access to safe water is a pressing issue in Afghanistan, impacting public health, food security and economic stability. While ...
The ICRC responds quickly and efficiently to help people affected by armed conflict. From the resumption of hostilities in ...
For four years or so, the population of Lalibela town is suffering from the effects of conflicts in the northern part of ...
了解您作为个人如何支持我们的人道工作,帮助因武装冲突而饱受苦难的民众。 在红十字国际委员会和红十字会与红新月会国际联合会的支持下,刚果民众共和国、布隆迪、卢旺达和乌干达的国家红十字会动员了数百名志愿者提供紧急人道救援。 布隆迪红十字 ...
Нейтральная, беспристрастная и независимая организация. Узнайте о наших ценностях, целях и задачах.
In an instant, dark clouds engulfed the sky, obscuring the scorching sun in Al-Hizamat, a small village near Afak district in Iraq's Diwaniyah Governorate. Rain was imminent. Almost. A few minutes ...
Across Gaza, emergency triage protocols were reactivated, surgeries began, and hospital beds filled up quickly. Due to the ...