Sydney headquartered Internet of Things company 365mesh said it has released the second version of its AmbientAI-V vibration sensor. The device is manufactured entirely in Australia, as part of the ...
Designed for infrastructure safety purposes.
Microsoft signs on to understand O365 users.
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Thierry Lotrian launches Climate & Decisions.
A cloud-based data collection and management platform for flood reporting and a level crossing safety technology trial.
Including a digital twin designed to automate emission reporting and a virtual model of a mining site for predictive maintenance.
Including first-of-its-kind approach to managing drainage on the Melbourne tram network and a kinetic energy harvesting system.
Part of a wider digital transformation agenda for the city.
Recognised for digital engineering capability.
To distribute Asimily's IoT risk management and security platform.
IoTAA event to examine progress in achieving a data smart Australia.