A collection of nine original essays by top philosophers introducing the major moral theories and how they support a libertarian political system. With personal stories, historical anecdotes, ...
In which a perfectly normal law firm is unexpectedly disrupted by one of modernity’s strangest byproducts: a copyist named Bartleby. “Bartleby” begins with a general introduction from the narrator, ...
Portraits of Liberty investigates the lives and philosophies of thinkers throughout history who argued in favor of a freer world.
In this excerpt from an 1883 speech, Sumner discusses the nature of liberty and the implications of the transition from a status- based society to one based on contract. William Graham Sumner held a ...
Menger makes one more stab at reforming Classical economics: Land, labor, and capital values are established just the same as any good. As we near the end of our series, Menger has moved us from the ...
As a peace offering for the two sides of Rhode Island’s bitter antislavery divide, Frances Whipple offers this ringing call for abolitionist union. Frances Whipple was a prolific reformist, locofoco, ...
From the Wisconsin territorial capitol, Abram D. Smith captivated his audience with tales of an electrified future of global republicanism. Virtually no one is aware that Abram D. Smith ever existed.
There is perhaps no writer better at articulating the economic way of thinking and exposing the myths that plague political debate than the Frenchman Frédéric Bastiat. During his short life (1801-1850 ...
Puzzling through the theories, history, and practice of liberty.
“Plantain was resolved that he would now make himself King of Madagascar, and govern there with absolute Power and Authority.” Clement Downing served on a variety of ships in the Indian Ocean as an ...
“Misson designed his Settlement[,] Libertalia, [naming his people] Liberi…desiring [that it might drown the] Names of French, English, Dutch, Africans, &c.” In the second of our two- part ...
Kant discusses his theory of the state, concluding, “Whatever a people cannot impose upon itself cannot be imposed upon it by the legislator either.” Immanuel Kant is considered to be one of the ...