A saga twenty-two years in the making, barring a gap of seven years, finally comes to a close with the seemingly final fates of the various characters of “Fables” in the last chapter of ‘The Black ...
One of the constants in the world of comics has been “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” For a lot of fans it is something they have known most or all of their lives. Since the IDW relaunch in 2011, ...
Read our full review of the series finale by Matt Garcia. Masters of the Universe: Revolution – “The Dogs of War” (S2E4, Netflix) After the defeat in the last episode, it is our heroes’ turn to try ...
The latest “Guardians Of The Galaxy” run is written by author Al Ewing. Ewing is a rising star at Marvel who has been in charge of spearheading really important stories at Marvel. Ewing wrote the bulk ...
“Infidel” #1 was a title I went in blind on. Having a solid creative team, and interesting premise while looking different enough from most other books on the stand, I was intrigued enough to check it ...
The webcomic creator is never far from their audience. Be it through social media, public email addresses, Discord servers, or simply the comments section beneath a page, there is a rapport and a ...
Hellboy was quite the media darling in the early days. At three years of age he appeared on the cover of Life Magazine, and when he officially joined the B.P.R.D. it wasn’t long before headlines ...
“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” It’s an old saying, but one that frequently reaffirms its legitimacy. The reason why that happens, I’d wager, is the people who fall ...
Are you ready for a puzzling spin-off? From the pages of “Radiant Black” comes “Radiant Red,” a series that holds as much promise as the original series, and is just as frustrating. The new series has ...