Volunteers, like Tonya Dowling, are all certified through the Internal Revenue Service to help citizens file their tax ...
The goal “is designed to attract and retain top talent to Flagler Schools in order to be the nation’s premier learning ...
Barrs went on to serve for 30 years in traffic safety, and now he has the opportunity to take on the highest role in the ...
Ian Macleod is a member of one of the most famous families of waveski surfing. His father, John Macleod, began shaping the ...
On Tuesday, March 25, the Volusia County School Board unanimously approved the advertisement of amendments to Policy 320 on ...
A parent said her son was bullied and accused the league on social media of playing favoritism. A league board member said they were considering filing a cease and desist order.
Also: Inter-United Soccer achievements, historic win for DSC flag football, Florida pickleball league prepares for regional ...
The second of two suspects was identified by DNA evidence left in a car. Levi Ayers, 22, of Palatka is currently in custody ...
Norris claims that City Councilman Gambaro, who helped launch an investigation against Norris, is serving 'illegitimately.' ...
Matanzas Theater Company at Matanzas High School will present the hit Broadway musical, "Little Shop of Horrors," in the ...
Now that the 18-month-pilot program for a dog-friendly stretch of beach in Ormond is coming to an end, Volusia County ...
The is the second time the National Sheriff's Association has selected a Flagler County deputy has received this award.