Nukas Sakdari: un monasterio cristiano erigido en un sitio oculto y casi imposible El Antiguo Cementerio Judío de Praga y la ...
There are religions that put their believers' faith to the test with harsh trials. On a mountain in Japan, that test is not ...
The Madrid Pacts of 1953 meant the arrival of a large amount of material from the United States to Spain. Banja Luka, NATO's ...
One of the responses that I find funniest when watching a movie is the one that says these words: "this is not what it seems.
Ser madre te hace descubrirte, te hace ser mejor cada día, porque cada día tiene una meta especial, que es ser ejemplo para ...
Being a mother makes you discover yourself, it makes you better every day, because every day has a special goal, which is to ...
Los Pactos de Madrid de 1953 supusieron la llegada de una gran cantidad de material procedente de Estados Unidos a España. Banja Luka, el primer combate aéreo de la OTAN y la represalia contra un ...
En España, el Kremlin tiene más aliados y tontos útiles de lo que parece, ubicados en distintas coordenadas ideológicas.
The Sánchez government was informed of the origin of that oil and did nothing, which indicates that it knew perfectly well ...
Russian forces launched a missile attack on a residential building in the city of Poltava, in eastern Ukraine's Poltava ...
On Wednesday, the city of Washington DC was the scene of a terrible air accident caused by a collision in mid-air between two ...
A día de hoy, el único bloqueo que hay en Cuba es el que la dictadura comunista aplica a los derechos y libertades de los ...