Sabemos que encontrar el tiempo y el dinero para hacerse revisiones médicas periódicas puede ser difícil. Por eso te quitamos esas preocupaciones de encima este mes de octubre con nuestro Día anual ...
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles cree que las mujeres, los hombres, los jóvenes y las familias merecen información honesta y basada en pruebas sobre sexualidad que pueda ayudarles a entablar relaciones ...
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed by Planned Parenthood Association of Utah and how to access this information. Please ...
We understand that health information about you and your healthcare is personal. We are committed to protecting health information about you. We will create a record of the care and services you ...
St. Paul, MN— Today, Representative Mike Howard and Representative Nathan Coulter visited the Richfield Planned Parenthood health center to show support for sexual and reproductive health care. “We ...
Some say, “If you eat enough caldo de pollo, you don’t need a wellness check.” While that might be comforting, no home remedy can replace a professional wellness exam. At Planned Parenthood, we offer ...
Procedural abortions can be done with your choice of local anesthesia (awake during the procedure but the area is numbed) or sedation (asleep during the procedure). There is an additional charge for ...
Our health centers' expert staff can continue to provide you with a full range of sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion care. If you or someone you know needs an appointment, ...
Medication abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is a safe and effective way to end a pregnancy up to 11 weeks. You can visit a health center to get the pills, or get them mailed to you in some ...
If you choose to continue a pregnancy, we will provide you with a list of resources to help you obtain prenatal care. Abortion services or abortion provider referrals will be provided if patient is ...