The Internet I grew up with as an elder Millennial is wildly different from the one my daughter will experience — for better ...
A new book suggests that there is radical potential in taking a career break — or "power pause" — to raise your kids.
The first and only phone message I’ve gotten from my kid’s elementary school this year was about parking lot safety reminders ...
It would be a beautiful day if it weren’t for the ash. It’s everywhere, even in my neighborhood in Venice — settling over the streets, falling from the sky. Even with the doors and windows ...
Last month I peeked my head into my son’s bed cave at 9:15 a.m. and whispered to him that I was off to a meeting, then to a friend’s house. When I squeezed his foot as I zipped him back in ...
In my work with parents who are caring for a child with an eating disorder, I’ve become keenly aware of the language we use when talking about kids and food. Our words can shape our attitudes ...
Elizabeth*, 32, has been taking stimulants since the third grade. During her first pregnancy in 2020, her doctor told her she had to stop taking her medication, and she struggled, but felt she had ...
When Trump won in 2016, there was a groundswell movement to protect women's rights. Suddenly there were seemingly endless books and think pieces about where women go from there, and how to raise ...
It was 6 p.m., about a month into my son’s kindergarten year, when an email popped up telling me there’d be a lockdown drill at school the next day. I responded in a fugue state, replying to ...
Can you tell me how to get to bed?