Local communities will receive nearly $4.3 million to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG). In Senate District 47, the following communities received ...
Local fire departments have been quite busy extinguishing blazing fields. Just this week alone, there have been at least two field fires that have attempted to do some serious damage to rural ...
By Becky Killian, Staff Writer Officials approved two bids for wastewater projects as well as several ongoing tax abatements. The approvals came during the Monday, Feb. 10, meetings of the Salem Board ...
If you receive a call such as this, or any scam call in general, the best response is to refrain from providing any ...
This photo and frame were left at Leader Publishing Company. If it belongs to you or a family member, please stop by the LPC office to reclaim it. The LPC office is located at 117-119 East Walnut ...
A travel company based in Jasper engaged in illegal deceptive practices, including identity theft and fraudulent timeshare transactions, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has alleged in a lawsuit.