Victoria Eyers, another of our Principal Consultants, presented cutting-edge research by TRL’s Forensic Investigation Team on micromobility, with a particular focus on e-scooters. As urban mobility ...
In 2008, 115 pedal cyclists were killed and 2,450 reported as seriously injured on Britain’s roads, accounting for 9% of all killed or seriously injured (KSI) road casualties. The Government is ...
Goods vehicles, large passenger vehicles and other large vehicles such as agricultural vehicles and mobile machinery make up a relatively small proportion of the vehicles on the roads in Great Britain ...
The Transport Research Laboratory was commissioned by the Charging and Local Transport Division of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) to provide guidance to local ...
This document reports on the outcome of a collaborative study the objective of which was to produce an up-to-date guidance manual on the factors affecting the demand for public transport for use by ...
Author: TRL: Annabel Knightley, Alice Holcombe, Bharti Gupta, George Beard, Jack Hitchings, Joe Forrest. RiDC: Eric Harris, Hayley Dawson, Indigo Ayling, Naomi Care This report is a supplement to the ...
Our portable driving simulator has interactive controls, frontal screens and wing mirror visuals with 180˚ projection of the driving scene. In addition, our simulators can be run with eye tracking and ...
In England, Local Authorities provide network-level Road Condition Monitoring (RCM) data to the Department for Transport each year, so that the DfT can publish annual official statistics for road ...
This study aimed to assess the impact of interacting with two infotainment systems, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, on four driver performance measures: reaction time, driving behaviour, eyes-off road ...
The Department for Transport and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister commissioned WSP, TRL, Llewelyn Davies Yeang and Phil Jones Associates to develop the Manual for Streets (MfS), which ...
The increasing size and power of construction plant and its potential to dissipate intrusive or possibly damaging levels of vibration into the environment, coupled with increasing attention being ...
This report presents the findings of a three year TRL evaluation of the Department for Transport’s (DfT) drink-drive rehabilitation (DDR) scheme. Since January 2000, the scheme permitted courts ...