Once thought to be dormant, the China-aligned group has also been observed using the privately-sold ShadowPad backdoor for ...
ESET researchers also examine the growing threat posed by tools that ransomware affiliates deploy in an attempt to disrupt EDR security solutions ...
ESET researchers uncover the toolset used by the FamousSparrow APT group, including two undocumented versions of the group’s ...
ESET researchers discover new ties between affiliates of RansomHub and of rival gangs Medusa, BianLian, and Play.
The group's Operation AkaiRyū begins with targeted spearphishing emails that use the upcoming World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan, as a lure Operation AkaiRyū: MirrorFace invites Europe to Expo 2025 ...
ESET researchers uncovered MirrorFace activity that expanded beyond its usual focus on Japan and targeted a Central European ...
ESET Research is publishing its investigation of Operation FishMedley, a global espionage operation by the China-aligned APT ...
Durante los primeros días de febrero de este año, se evidenció en la telemetría de ESET un aumento del 20% en las detecciones en nuestra región de una familia particular de malware: Win32 ...
Although relatively rare, real-world incidents impacting operational technology highlight that organizations in critical ...
Here's what's been hot on the AI scene over the past 12 months, how it's changing the face of warfare, and how you can fight ...
Listen up, this is sure to be music to your ears – a few minutes spent securing your account today can save you a ton of ...