Työnteon murros vaikuttaa siihen, miten, missä ja millä ehdoilla työtä tehdään. Tämä luo myös uudenlaista potentiaalia ...
Tervetuloa yrittäjien tämän kevään teatteri-iltaan tiistaina 29.4. klo 18.30-21.00! Agatha Christien Eikä yksikään pelastunut ...
The loan is intended for finance needs to promote micro-businesses’ growth, productivity or competitiveness, such as hiring, ...
The ETLA study found that companies employing 10–49 people had the lowest appetite for growth. In companies of this size, a ...
The cycle of weak confidence is hampering economic growth. Consumer confidence weakened slightly in February. The consumer ...
The start-up’s co-founders and co-owners are Pitkänen’s husband Aleksi Pitkänen , Päivi Leinonen , Suvi Suutarinen and Ilona ...
Suomen Yrittäjät, the Finnish SME association, demands swift action from Parliament to rein in cheap Chinese e-retailers.
The PRH may issue a fine if, for example: no address is listed. no board is registered. there is no information on beneficial ...
The latest Yrittäjägallup survey shows that only a small proportion of SMEs uses the TE Office’s recruitment services.
An amendment to the Employment Contract Act will make dismissals on personal grounds easier. The report of the tripartite ...
Ruokolahden Yrittäjät järjestää Elämänmakuista elämää nimisen hyvinvointiluennon Ruokolahden koulun Leijona-salissa 18.3. klo ...
Sole traders’ incomes do not appear in the positive credit register, which makes their access to loans and other credit ...