Global stock markets have continued to fall over concerns about the negative economic impact of Donald Trump's trade tariffs.
Ten survivalists take on the wilderness of New Zealand's South Island, documenting their own isolated battles and striving to be the last person standing to win $250,000.
据《PerthNow》3月6日报道,South Perth的居民对失控的反社会行为感到厌倦,他们的社区正在遭受这种反社会行为的困扰。 South Perth一处社会住房(政府提供的廉租房)附近的居民向媒体表达了他们的愤怒,因为他们认为自己的投诉一直无人理睬。 尽管有关部门曾告知居民,不应通过向媒体曝光来施压,但居民们表示,他们已经走投无路。 该住房小区有八个单元,但投诉主要针对其中一户,因为该住户 ...