AG Paxton investigates Superior Insurance for alleged illegal surveillance and potential blackmail of lawmakers and citizens.
The conservative politicians are looking to an investigate the East Plano Islamic Center's plans to build a Muslim community ...
After losing big to Ted Cruz, the Dallas Democrat is considering another run for Senate. If Ken Paxton is the Republican ...
The announcement by Texas' senior senator drew a derisive response from potential primary challenger Ken Paxton.
But in a February 27 letter to Attorney General Ken Paxton, State Representative Jeff Leach cited "reports" that Sharia law ...
A New York county clerk's rejection of a Texas ruling against Dr. Margaret Carpenter, who mailed abortion pills, is likely to ...
Former Texas Attorney General, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), is running for re-election in 2026. Current Texas AG Ken ...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday that he has launched an investigation into one of the state’s Medicaid ...
A New York county clerk refused to process a $113,000 fine against a New York doctor found guilty of prescribing ...
In his re-election campaign announcement, the Texas senator vows to be a partner to President Trump. But AG Ken Paxton says, ...
It’s time for mainstream Republicans to take back the party, which has been co-opted by a few billionaires and media outlets ...