A very warm Tuesday is on tap, with highs closing in on 90-degrees due to a stalling frontal boundary along the Red River.
Andrew Brown said he's grateful his family was inside the Home Depot at the time of the hailstorm and no one was hurt.
Storm Uri sent shockwaves through Texas, freezing gas supplies at a time of critical need and plunging the state into ...
After four days without any running water, new pumps have been installed and water is running again for the residents of ...
This will bring the threat of isolated storm activity early Wednesday morning, mainly for our northeastern areas, not ...
Central Texans are increasingly turning to storm shelters for protection as tornado seasons become more unpredictable.
The movie, starring John Leguizamo, is based on an incident in Laymon's life when she befriended a father figure online ...
El Paso Community College and the University of Texas at El Paso have begun their month-and-a-half-long Operation College ...
Hailstorms seem to be happening more frequently and the hail appears to be getting bigger. But the reasons for this might not ...
We hang on to warm temperatures all of this first full week of Spring. Showers and storms enter the picture late this week.
Before arriving in the Houston area, the storm system wreaked havoc from Austin to San Antonio on Sunday evening, bringing ...
The Small Business Association is stepping in to help those dealing with damage from the storms in Dallas County earlier this ...