A Texas House committee's public hearing on a controversial school voucher bill continued into the early morning hours ...
As state House members began debating a school voucher plan on Tuesday, Gov. Greg Abbott appeared more optimistic than ever ...
Gov. Greg Abbott, who has led the charge for the education savings accounts, says school choice will pass in the House this ...
Members of the House Committee on Public Education clashed over the details of a school voucher bill — a topic that for the ...
The $1 billion first year cost could grow to more than $8 billion over the two-year period up in 2029 as more and more ...
If passed, the legislation would create a program where parents could use state tax dollars toward sending their kids to ...
Hollie Plemons took her seat before a panel of lawmakers in Austin to make her conservative case against school vouchers.
A new poll released amid growing opposition to school choice found that a bipartisan majority of Texas midterm voters do not ...
Neither of the Legislature's voucher bills require private schools to accept certain students, which some warn could block ...
The Texas House will debate House Bill 3, which includes a school choice program. The bill proposes $1 billion for education savings accounts. Low-income and special education students will be ...
It’s happened, people. It’s really happened. It’s not that Tammye Nash finally let me write about furries for no reason or ...
In a hearing on House Bill 3, Republicans argued the program should be open to all students while Democrats criticized ...