近期,方程式赛车游戏爱好者们迎来了一则令人期待的消息。据知情人士billbil-kun的透露,备受瞩目的EA SPORTS F1 25预计将于2025年5月30日正式面向全球玩家发售,标准版的售价为59.99美元。
汉密尔顿成为《F1 25》封面人物。
在2025赛季F1中国站的冲刺赛中,赛车王者汉密尔顿展现出了无与伦比的统治力,凭借着巨大的优势夺得了冠军。这场比赛证明了他在赛道上的绝对实力,更加巩固了他在赛车界的传奇地位。与此同时,今天汉密尔顿正式通过社交媒体宣布,他将成为EA Sports《F1 25 Iconic Edition》的封面人物,引发了广大赛车迷的热烈讨论与期待。
The former Brazil captain Socrates has died at the age of 57. He had been in a critical condition with an intestinal ...
Every Wednesday, Fotografiska Shanghai hosts Wednesday Jazz & Cocktails, a FOTO LIVE event showcasing avant-garde jazz ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
2025款宝马X3M50,398马力4.4秒破百,近距离原来这么帅! 既然说到颜值,就先看看前脸设计,全新的大灯组设计更加简约,熏黑设计的半封闭Iconic Glow ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Its cargo once consisted of tea, gunpowder and buffalo horns, but in 2007 the Cutty Sark was severely damaged by a huge fire.
开发商Codemasters和发行商EA正式公布了系列新作《EA SPORTSF1 ...
La mostra, che si terrà a Parigi dal 9 aprile al 31 agosto 2025, riunirà più di 400 opere (dal 1955 al 2025) di Hockney, tra ...