Fire Dampers - Fire Rated Access Doors - Lloyd Industries
Lloyd Industries offers a wide range of Fire Damper products including back draft dampers, fire rated access doors, air control dampers, and smoke dampers.
About Lloyd Industries, Inc. - Lloyd Industries
Lloyd Industries has been a manufacturer of fire dampers and HVAC products for over 30 years. Best customer satisfaction in quality, delivery and price. (215) 412-4445 [email protected]
What are the different types of dampers? - Lloyd Industries
Fire dampers, smoke dampers, and combination fire/smoke dampers are critical to preserving life when fire threatens. Choosing between dynamic and static types, and employing these dampers ensures building safety and code compliance!
What are Fire Dampers and Why are They Needed?
A fire damper is a passive fire protection product used in HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) ducts to prevent the spread of fire inside the ductwork. They can be used in commercial or residential properties.
The Basics of Fusible Link Fire Dampers - Lloyd Industries
A fire damper is a component of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system that controls access to the HVAC ductwork in a home or office during an emergency. A fire damper prevents the spread of fire within the ductwork.
7 Things You Want to Know About Fire Dampers - Lloyd Industries
What is a Fire Damper? A fire damper is a type of HVAC damper that, in the case of fire, will activate to stop the continuation of fire and smoke in the ductwork. These dampers have been essential to buildings’ fire protection design since 1939.
Fire Dampers vs. Smoke Dampers: What’s the Difference?
There are two types of fire dampers: static fire dampers and dynamic fire dampers. A static fire damper is installed in barriers where the fan that propels the HVAC system will shut off if there is a fire.
Flanged, Chevron, Channel, Drainable Louvers - Lloyd Industries
Lloyd Industries, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of fire rated louvers and HVAC equipment. Browse our selection of flanged, chevron, and drainable louvers. (215) 412-4445 [email protected]
HVAC Dampers: Everything You Need to Know - Lloyd Industries
Fire dampers and smoke dampers are two instrumental parts of a passive fire protection system. They work to protect your home or office building from smoke and fire damage. They work within your HVAC system to stop the spread of flames, smoke, …
Static vs. Dynamic Fire Dampers: What’s the Difference?
Fire dampers are critical elements in HVAC systems, playing a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with Fire Code 80 and safeguarding lives and property. Understanding the distinctions between static and dynamic fire dampers is crucial when determining the best fit for your HVAC system.