hit in the face with Ironing board - YouTube
says it all really.................
Expert Answers: Iron Rod Shelf Accident and Nose Injuries
Customer: Hello, I just had an iron fall off the shelf and hit me on the nose / face. I have a cut that has stopped bleeding, but wonder if I need to do anything so it won't scar. I have had ice on it. Doctor's Assistant: The Doctor can help. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you.
Iron burns: a problem in adults as well as children - PMC
In children, most burns occurred at home and were commonly due to pulling the flex or knocking the iron from its surface. In adults, 50% of injuries were associated with epilepsy. Burns from domestic irons are relatively common and cause significant morbidity despite their small size.
Hit in the face with ironing board - YouTube
Pretty much playing a song,.,,
2025 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code W22.8XXA - The Web's Free …
W22.8XXA describes the circumstance causing an injury, not the nature of the injury. This chapter permits the classification of environmental events and circumstances as the cause of injury, and other adverse effects.
My son was hit in the face with a stick and there's a sort of split ...
I received a mistake in the face of a stick iron iron on the breast chest hit the middle, causing the ventricular or Dr Subbanna MD American Board Certified Neurologist, Internal Medicine
Falling clothes irons rarely cause burns - PubMed
Children's Hospital of Michigan's Burn Center treats approximately three pediatric contact burns annually related to clothes irons, which involve the face, torso, and extremities. These burns leave well-demarcated burn patterns, including the steam holes from the heat plate of the iron.
Facial injuries - treatments, causes and symptoms - healthdirect
Facial injuries include cuts and wounds to the face, nose bleeds, a broken nose, and injuries to the eyes and airways. Some minor injuries can be managed at home, while others will need urgent medical attention. If you or someone else has an open wound, fracture, an object embedded in a wound or a possible head injury, seek urgent medical ...
Marv from Home Alone Getting hit in the face by an iron.
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Some guy’s board impaled me in the face mid wave. Lucky my
Dude dove under a wave and let his board loose on the way up. I watched the whole thing as it came up and the nose hit me in the mouth. Knocked me off my board.