Breaker and wire size help - Electrician Talk
2018年12月8日 · 44 amps x 125%= 55 amps min conductor size=#6 THHN 44 amps x 250%=110 amp inverse breaker size max. 430.52 So to recap, you would run #6 thhn and use a 55-->60 …
Splicing #6(THHN/THWN-2) Stranded? - Electrician Talk
Ran 4 runs #6 through existing conduit left for future sub feed in a restaurant remodel, f'd up and am 3feet short in the service panel to get to breaker. Pulled 150' through 2 pull boxes and …
#6 THHN copper wire on a 90 amp breaker - Electrician Talk
2020年12月27日 · I came into a came situation, where there is a #6 wire on a 90 amp breaker, the line side feeds a disconnect fused at 50 amps, on the load side it feeds an air compressor, …
6 AWG for 50A circuit?? - Electrician Talk
2016年8月28日 · The specs for the car charger say 50A breaker, 40A operating current and 6AWG wire. The Tesla Car Charger spec is attached. This is a 25' run. 2014 NEC table …
Identifyng Neutral - Electrician Talk
2009年10月29日 · If someone were to say that the white or gray outer finish of #6 and smaller, [which would include #6,8,10,12,14,16] wire in conduit being used as a neutral could only be …
70 amp on #6 - Electrician Talk
2011年5月30日 · read nec sec. 215.2 (A) (1), last sentence. The minimum feeder-cuircuit conductor size, before the application of any adjustment or correction factors, shall have an …
Big Blue Wire Nuts - Electrician Talk
2012年11月21日 · What is the largest wire size you will use with the big blue wire nuts? I need to splice some #6 THHN to #6 NM, both copper. I think #8 is the largest I've used but can't …
Automatic wire strippers - Electrician Talk
2024年10月10日 · Has anyone used the Phoenix contact line of wire strippers. Wirefox 4, Wirefox10, Wirefox16, or Wire6sc. Also the Weidmuller stripmax. These wire strippers claim to …
Ground wire bare solid or THHN stranded? | Electrician Talk
2012年9月14日 · Ground wire bare solid or THHN stranded? Jump to Latest 135K views 21 replies 17 participants last post by electricmanscott Sep 16, 2012
Best way to connect 3 #6AWG wires in a Junction Box
2023年8月8日 · Looking for a way to connect 3 sets of #6 in a junction box. Swim Spa calls for the wire to come from the disconnect into a junction box and then into the 2 pumps. I was thinking …