Keep your bills balanced. Make your bills more predictable and avoid the potential of accumulating a large settlement balance with Average Monthly Payments (AMP).
This chart breaks down your charges from your current billing cycle into easy-to-understand categories. Supply Charges for the costs of making the electricity provided to you. Delivery …
AEP Ohio offers many tips to help customers reduce energy usage and keep costs down. Review outages and problems, access your account, news and safety tips.
AEP Ohio partners with Dollar Energy Fund to help families pay their electric bills. Grants are applied directly to accounts to prevent disconnection of or restore electric service.
Simply use the return envelope enclosed with your electric bill. The correct address is printed on the envelope. Your cancelled check is your receipt and serves as proof of payment. Be sure to …
Please contact our Customer Solutions Center at 800.672.2231. Here's how we could help: Enroll you in AMP (Average Monthly Payment) Plan. AMP evens out payments throughout the year …
In addition to paying in person or by mail, you may receive and pay your bill electronically (e-Bill) or have your payments deducted automatically from your checking or savings account.
Modify your electric service, new construction requests, or request a letter of credit in our service requests section. Find out your responsibilities and ours if you experience damage to your …