Reintroduction of the Red Deer in Armenia | WWF
The overall goal of the Project is to restore the population of the Caspian Red Deer in Armenia. It is implemented at the Breeding Center of the Red Deer (built аt the Dilijan National Park) by breeding the introduced animals and then …
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2022年5月22日 · #RedDeer #RedDeerArmeniaThis is our first to see a deer in person. This facility's goal is to breed Caucasian Red Deer and reintroduce them to Armenia by re-...
Reintroduction of the Red Deer in Armenia | WWF
The overall goal of the programme is to restore the population of the Caucasian Red Deer in Armenia and is being implemented through the creation of a Red Deer breeding center in Dilijan National Park, where animals will be bred in …
Center for the restoration of the Caucasian red deer
Since 2013, the International Wildlife Fund in Armenia has been implementing a program to restore the population of the Caucasian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral), which is carried out in the “Caucasian Reindeer Herding Center” built …
The Caucasus is home to a subspecies of the red deer, the so-called Caspian red deer (Cervus elaphus maral), and its native region spreads between the Caspian and Black Seas. The …
Caucasian Red Deer Breeding Center in Dilijan National …
There are already 26 Caucasian deer in the center, soon 5 of them will be released into the forest. Until 1954, the Caucasian red deer was widely distributed in the northern, eastern and southern forests of Armenia. However, because …
Reintroduction of Caspian Red Deer in Armenia
2022年3月23日 · Instead, 14 deer were brought to a special Red Deer Breeding Centre inside the Dilijan National Park. The aim was to eventually be able to release deer born in the breeding centre into the wild in Armenia. By 2021, a …
CNF Supports Construction of Red Deer Breeding …
2015年10月12日 · The Caucasus Nature Fund is supporting an exciting new initiative to re-introduce Caucasian Red Deer to Armenia, decades after the species became locally extinct. A new breeding center in Dilijan National Park …
Reintroduction of the Caucasian Red Deer in Armenia
2015年3月18日 · CNF is supporting a project implemented by WWF-Armenia and the Ministry of Nature Protection to reintroduce the Caucasian Red Deer to Armenia. The first phase of the project includes setting up a breeding center in …
THE ARMENIAN PROJECT: RED... - CNF - Caucasus Nature Fund
2020年1月4日 · THE ARMENIAN PROJECT: RED DEER BREEDING CENTER*, DILIJAN. Deer are part of the mythology and legends throughout the world and have been a part of human …