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    Karst hydrogeology of the Bedhampton and Havant springs

    • The Bedhampton and Havant spring complex in Hampshire is one of the best examples of Chalk karst springs in the UK. The springs are large, with a combined flow of approximately 104 000 m3/day (Atki… 展开


    The Bedhampton–Havant region is underlain by Upper Cretaceous Chalk, and sands, silts and clays of Palaeogene age. The Chalkis a soft, white, porous limestone, deposited betwe… 展开

    British Geological Survey
    Karst Zones

    Using a method developed in the Pang–Lambourn catchments in Berkshire (Maurice et al., 2006), the catchment for the Bedhampton and Havant springs can be divided into thre… 展开

    British Geological Survey
    Karst Hydrogeology

    Groundwater contours indicate the elevation and gradient of the water table. Contours reported by Day (1964) suggest that the general flow direction within the catchment of th… 展开

    British Geological Survey
    Karst Zones 2 and 3 in Other Chalk Areas

    Several studies in other areas of the Chalk in England provide insight into the nature of karst in areas away from the Palaeogene outcrop, and some have demonstrated the presence of con… 展开

    British Geological Survey