Organizational Structure - Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank AG is incorporated as a German stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft, or AG). Its corporate governance therefore reflects the structure with three separate corporate bodies – Supervisory Board, Management Board, and Shareholders’ Meeting – stipulated by the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).
Org Chart Deutsche Bank - The Official Board
The organizational chart of Deutsche Bank displays its 526 main executives including Christian Sewing, Rebecca Short and Stefan Simon
Organigramm Deutsche Bank - The Official Board
Organizational Chart of Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank www.db.com. hat 526 Führungskräfte und 43 Tochterunternehmen +49 699 101 0000; Führungskraft hinzufügen. Deutsche Bank (DBK) News . Fehlt etwas? Wir suchen nach dir. Drucken oder Herunterladen CEO ...
Management Board - Deutsche Bank
Its members are jointly accountable for the management of the company. The Management Board has, as its prime responsibility, the group’s strategic management, resource allocation, financial accounting and reporting, risk management, and corporate control.
Organizational Chart - Deutsche Bank
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Boards and committees - Deutsche Bank
The Supervisory Board oversees and advises the Management Board in its management of Deutsche Bank. Major decisions affecting the Bank require Supervisory Board approval. The Supervisory Board appoints the members of the Management Board and creates succession plans for the Management Board.
Deutsche Bank - The Org
Deutsche Bank provides commercial and investment banking, retail banking, transaction banking and asset and wealth management products and services to corporations, governments, institutional investors, small and medium-sized businesses, and private individuals.
Deutsche Bank's 2019 Org Chart After Restructuring - Business Insider
2019年12月23日 · Here is the org chart for the Deutsche Bank leaders in charge of the bank's historic overhaul.
Organisationsstruktur - Deutsche Bank
Aufgrund ihrer Rechtsform als deutsche Aktiengesellschaft besteht die Governance-Struktur der Deutschen Bank AG aus drei Organen – Aufsichtsrat, Vorstand und Hauptversammlung. Ihnen sind nach dem deutschen Aktiengesetz (AktG) unterschiedliche Aufgaben zugewiesen.
Organigramme Deutsche Bank - The Official Board
Organizational Chart of Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank www.db.com. a 525 dirigeants et 43 filiales +49 699 101 0000; Ajouter un décideur. Deutsche Bank (DBK) News . Un manquant? Nous le cherchons. Imprimer ou télécharger . CEO. Christian Sewing. Move. Chairman of the Board. Alexander Wynaendts. Move. Vice Chairman of the Board ...