Roman Nose? Nose types - The Horse Forum
2012年10月18日 · any breed can have a roman nose. They are usually associated with the more baroque type horses. I dont think a slight roman nose is ugly, and years ago, at an auction there was a horse there with a massive roman nose, and if i had the extra $$ I would have purchased him. He had a kind and intelligent eye .
When two horses touch noses and share breath.... - The Horse Forum
2013年3月31日 · e.g. a hard snort sort of breath usually = a form of displeasure with the other horse. A soft, easy exchange of breath is just a friendly form. You'll probably find horses doing the same with people at times. Very often when I'm around a horse that's new to me (e.g. someone I know gets a new new horse) they might breathe in my face.
runny nose - The Horse Forum
2008年1月21日 · My horse gets a runny nose this time of year too. I think its a combination of the cold weather and having hay be their only source of forage. I have just started to clean inside her nose every once in awhile, I think it helps. If it changes color get green or yellow and thick (yuck) I would call the vet.
scabby nose - The Horse Forum
2010年10月18日 · Thanks for your thoughts. Although, i do not think it is sunburn as i live in the UK and it hasn't been sunny lately when the scab appeared. It seems to be creeping up his nose though.the scabs are about 2mm high and are yellowish/brown,underneath the skin is pink.
What breeds have Roman noses? - The Horse Forum
2011年1月12日 · The roman nose is a draft horse trait, traditionally, Spanish horses had a subconvex profile, similar to the roman nose but not as extreme. The extreme roman nose on modern spanish horses is similar to the extreme low hip in German Shepherds overbreeding of one characteristic that leads to an extreme or over-exaggeration.
Horse sneezing/blowing repeatedly, rubbing nose, shaking head
2023年2月25日 · I found thickening of mucous discharge in my horse evident in nose "snot".. so what then is also happening in the lungs is more my concern. If you are not aware, Tri-Hist can make sedatives/tranquilizers given act stronger a dosage so beware and alert any health care professional your horse is on this drug.
How to make a nose/feed bag for horses? - The Horse Forum
2013年5月18日 · My horse is fed with a nosebag, but I don't have any idea of the measurements, sorry. All I know about it is that it needs at least two layers of strong, durable material (canvas?) as they really take a beating while the horse eats. They paw at it, step on it while walking with their heads low ("grazing"?) and shake it about into fences etc.
Stud chains - The Horse Forum
2017年6月6日 · OK that's not helping LOL!! To run it over the nose run it in from the side you lead from (do you lead standing on the right? most people don't so swap it unless you do), then go OVER the noseband (so it's on the noseband NEVER on the nose directly that's harsh and not good) then back through the loop then up always fastening on the LOWER end of the …
popping horse on the nose.. good or bad? | The Horse Forum
2010年4月8日 · If a horse of any age goes to nip, you have 1 or 2 seconds to correct it and a bop on the nose with the hand that he just went to bite is totally appropriate. Going at him yelling and making him think that he is going to die is also appropriate.
Nose chain. - The Horse Forum
2011年7月30日 · Also, if you drop the line, and the horse steps on it, or becomes entangled , you could have him accidently break his own nose. Let him work out some of his yayas. use the change of direction. If you must pull hard on the line, pull upward, not downward and use a few sharp snaps to get his attention and pull his nose around, but you can't do ...