Can I be a Dermatologist with DO? | Student Doctor Network
2016年1月8日 · The overall point of my post was that, if you'd like to be a dermatologist, there will be roughly one dermatologist per DO school, per year. One. Way less than 1% of DOs will become dermatologists if half of AOA programs close. If you're cool with rolling those odds and dermatology is your goal, go for it.
Is it realistic to want to become a dermatologist?
2014年4月8日 · At the dermatologist, I'm always at ease, interested in the work dermatologists do. Having had some skin problems myself only heightened the interested! After doing some research, I became even more driven to become a dermatologist, due to the lifestyle many dermatologists seem to live, as well as the salary.
can a DO be a dermatologist? | Student Doctor Network
2005年7月21日 · I am looking at Derm as a possible specialty and have a D.O. who Dermatologist who is willing to let me rotate with him my 4th year 🙂 D.O's can specialize in anything. Just takes decent grades, an excellent board score and a good team-oriented attitude to be competitive in some of the more competitive residency slots.
Trying to become a Dermatologist | Student Doctor Network
2010年9月26日 · Maybe you should ask an actual dermatologist this question instead of random jag-offs on the internet. If you want to be a dermatologist because they get paid the most, that's a really stupid reason because (1) they don't, and (2) you will …
I want to become a dermatologist.... - Student Doctor Network …
2006年8月6日 · Step 6: Shadow a dermatologist Step 7: Do some derm related research Step 8: Relax Step 9: Study and rock the boards Step 10: Do well in your clinical years Step 11: Relax and chill with your homies Step 12: Apply broadly Step 13: Go to a derm residency for few years Step 14: Relax Step 15: Congrats, you are a Dermatologist!
Becoming A Dermatologist??? - Student Doctor Network …
2008年8月15日 · There's a reason you can't get a dermatologist appointment with either of the two docs in your area. The supply of dermatologists is very tightly controlled, meaning that there are 320 or so derm slots in the country per year fought over by the most competitive of medical students, half of whom also have Ph.D.'s and the rest of whom have ...
Can you become a dermatologist if you have acne? Can you …
2014年1月10日 · Can you become a dermatologist if you have mild/moderate acne but do not want to risk accutane? (accutane can damage bones permanently, where exercise can become painful) Can you become a psychiatrist if you have depression/bipolar disorder/ etc.? Can you become an ophthalmologist or optometrist if you have bad vision and need strong glasses? etc.
DO dermatology process | Student Doctor Network
2016年2月7日 · There are only 2 DO derm programs listed on the pre-accreditation website and they'd need to declare/submit this year to meet the 2020 deadline. As far as I know/remember, MD/ACGME derm programs will probably at most take 1-2 DO students a year. This seems to me to mean that new derm DOs will become unicorns. No?
Can I become a dermatologist with bad skin? - Student Doctor …
2015年3月29日 · Can you become a dermatologist with bad skin? Sure (you're talking to one currently) Should you fix the underlying skin condition (or improve itas much you can)? Sure (I did. You'll find that as a dermatologist, you're going to have extra help and extra motivation) Is it silly or petty that people judge you on skin conditions? Yes, but that's life.
Path to become a Dermatologist? | Student Doctor Network
2012年2月8日 · I am 2nd year undergrad at Indiana University. I really wanted to be an Ophthalmologist but I have no stereopsis so i am not able to peruse that. I am very interested in Dermatology, always have been. I know I need to be focusing on my undergrad and getting into med school but I am the kind of...