Prostrate Juniper smells like Cat P - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2021年2月4日 · This is Juniperus communis?The Vancouver Trees App - UBC Botanical Garden doesn't say anything about the smell of Juniperus communis, but for J. maritima it says, "The smell of the bruised leaves and cut stems of this species (and the related J. scopulorum) is camphor-like with strong oregano and dirty socks overtones, and many people find the aroma …
Reduction pruning of towering junipers(?) - UBC Botanical Garden …
2008年11月18日 · Hollowing out the center of the top of a 40' conifer and leaving most of the outside still in place is a facade, like clear-cutting all of a forest except the part that faces the highway. To the tree it will be the same as if the top broke out in a storm.
Bizarre problem with Juniper trees | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2020年2月25日 · Have had this juniper tree for quite awhile (#1). It started off great, but it got spider mites over the summer (I could tell it had them, by dusting the leaves, and some web). I treated the tree with Neem oil, and also an insecticide on several occasions. The spider mites are gone. However, winter came and the tree browned out.
pear tree disease | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2008年6月22日 · The disease affects pear and juniper which is the alternate host of the fungus. The disease is established only in southern British Columbia and Contra Costa County, California. It was found on pear in the Bellingham, WA area just south of the Canadian border in 1997.
Sick juniper/ Gymnosporangium rust disease - UBC Botanical …
2008年12月2日 · Juniper-hawthorn rust Juniper-hawthorn rust is a fungal disease that requires a juniper and an alternate host to complete its lifecycle. Alternate hosts are apple, crabapple, hawthorn and mountain ash. On a juniper, two-inch ball-shaped galls develop on stems from spores blown in from the alternate host.
Hedges: - Does Juniper make a decent hedge? - UBC Botanical …
2007年5月7日 · Both may be prone to twig dieback or browning out in patches in this region. Some specimens show this to a bothersome degree, and some do not, but it is certainly not unusual (so-called spiny Greek juniper (of gardens), actually a compact form of Chinese juniper is terrible here, most older specimens with partly dead foliage).
Junipers under mature maples? | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2006年9月28日 · Wish I knew this years ago, but I'll never again plant a deciduous tree ABOVE/NEAR a juniper. This won't help your situation Debra, but I'll now always plant evergreen ABOVE a deciduous plant. Annual needledrop won't be too unsightly and, as needles break down in the soil, will help the pH of deciduous plants in our slightly-alkaline 6.8 soil.
Wisteria in shade? - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2007年4月20日 · The tree is at least 9 yrs old and about 10 ft tall. I want to grow it up the tree because it is a small condo patio and I am planning to do a trellis with clematis and thought that two might look cluttered, so perhaps The tree could be like a trellis. I saw once a huge old tree with wisteria covering it and thought is was the coolest thing.
monkey puzzle tree root systems - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2006年6月17日 · On slopes, many have found the "ground-hugging" juniper varieties work well at preventing errosion. I think if you mix in a variety of tall, medium, and low-growing trees and bushes, you can make an attractive presentation and control errosion effectively.
hollywood cypress | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2005年10月24日 · Yes, Hollywood juniper can certainly get to be 10' tall - and then some. Records: 27' x 4'0" x 21' Tacoma, WA (1993)